Friday, March 5, 2010

Amish Quilts Progress

The Amish quilt wall hanging has been the last 2 months project for the quilting group with just one more monthly meeting to finish them before we all move onto the next project which will be a block of the month series for the next few months.

The hangings were planned and designed by Fran and Karen and originally constructed from .5mtr @ of 3 plain fabrics, 1mtr fabric for the backing and .5mtr of matching plain fabric for the binding.  Various techniques have been used for the quilt including trapunto and a generous amount of quilting stitches...great practice for those larger quilts to come.

Here are a few pictures of the Amish progress, with finished quilts next month hopefully to show:


  1. Missing you guys. Did you leave the Kingdom?

  2. Hi ya, BRM No we've not left the Kingdom but several of us have moved from one compound to another and have had to sort out internet providers etc., and also vacation time has interupted our continuity. I will be back in the Kingdom at the end of the week and hopefully my internet will be sorted so I can get back up to date on the site.

    Thanks for your comment, I'll pop over to your blog for a catch up shortly, Sharon
